Tag: witch

Tag: witch

Syncretism – is a buffet so bad?
December 16, 2020 Magic Practices Foxnose

Editor’s note: This is one viewpoint of many in the spiritual world. If you prefer purist practices rather than synchretic ones, we recognize that as a valid opinion. ALL spiritual beliefs are philosophical constructs, unlike science or mathematics, and as such are subject to the whims of their users. Please read this article with that

What Is Smudging, And How Do I Do It?
May 23, 2017 Folk Magic,Magic Practices,The PC Conundrum Admin

I have to admit I’m at odds discussing the topic of “smudging”. The reason is that true smudging is a specific spiritual practice done by indigenous American people and should be taught only by a person within the tribe(s) that practice it. Well, that’s not even quite right. There are many different Native Peoples and