Category: Folk Magic

Category: Folk Magic

But What If I Want To Yodel?
October 15, 2020 Folk Magic,Magic Practices Foxnose

Guest post by Sister Foxnose Do you have a special talent you want to cultivate? I know I have a few. One is to yodel, and of course my initial impulse is to cast a spell to aid in developing this ability. I know practice is going to be involved – you get nothing without

August 28, 2019 Coming Soon,Folk Magic,Life in New Orleans,Magic Practices,NEWS Admin

TLDR: opening a new store at 5509 Magazine Street. Further down, how to get on our VIP list (and it doesn’t cost anything). Then blah blah about the loyalty program, and if you will read to the end, something nice. Skimmer? Catch the boldface stuff. It’s official! I just got notified of my OCCUPATION PERMIT

What Is Smudging, And How Do I Do It?
May 23, 2017 Folk Magic,Magic Practices,The PC Conundrum Admin

I have to admit I’m at odds discussing the topic of “smudging”. The reason is that true smudging is a specific spiritual practice done by indigenous American people and should be taught only by a person within the tribe(s) that practice it. Well, that’s not even quite right. There are many different Native Peoples and